Haven's founding director & BrainLab co-founder
Claudia L'Amoreaux is an internationally recognized educational consultant and learning coach. She founded the Whole Earth Learning Center--a community learning center for families and educators, and a unique apprenticeship program for teenagers called Journey. She was the Education Channel editor for Deja News, the first web portal to UseNet's extensive discussion forums. Her "edge-ucation" work was included in the BBC's Guide to the New Millennium. She is featured in the film On the Wild Side--Meetings with Remarkable Women. She co-authored the book, Creating Learning Communities (Solomon Press, 2000). She is the mother of a 24-year old daughter. Claudia directs the Haven Learning Center in West Berkeley.
Claudia L'Amoreaux
BrainLab co-founder
Self Regulation Approaches to Learning, Attention, Creativity and Wellbeing
In 1974 Dr. Greg Alter got his first introduction to technologies for self-regulation as an experimental research subject in EEG studies of hemispheric dominance (Ornstein, R. and Galin, D. Lateral Specialization of Cognitive Mode: An EEG Study. Psychophysiology 9: 412-18, 1972). He began to take a serious, life-long interest in the contribution of technology, loosely known as "biofeedback," to the self-regulation of mind, body, and spirit. In 1980, Greg started using a variety of biofeedback devices to help people modify and expand their response capabilities. Finally, after the field had matured for over thirty years (in April 2000), he began using brain biofeedback to help people expand their learning horizons.
Approaches to self-regulation extended Greg's interests well beyond the clinical domain into the realm of "hard science:" psychophysiology, chaos mathematics, self-observing systems, and digital signal processing. Equally important, he expanded his definitions of "spirituality:" the impact of core self-regulation activities within diverse traditions of Judaism, Sufism, Taoism, Buddhism, Native American, Christian, and Hinduism.
How can we, as every-day people, incorporate the activities of "loving kindness" and "peace," to name just a few important constructs, in our lives? "Self-regulation" is about all of us working and playing in concert, learning all the time by observing ourselves in the acts of creating our experience. "Self-regulation" serves its highest purpose when we find the natural state of joy in being alive.
The BrainLab at the Haven Learning Center offers young people and adults the opportunity to explore the potential of biofeedback for radically improving learning, attention, creativity and well-being.
Dr. Greg Alter is a member of the American Psychological Association, the American Academy of Experts in Traumatic Stress, and the National Register of Healthcare Providers in Psychology lists him. He holds a license in California both as a Psychologist (PSY7422) and as a Marriage, Child, and Family Counselor, and holds Diplomates in Health Psychology and Forensic Psychology.
Dr. Greg Alter
Haven's mentors
André Bastos
Originally from Brazil, André Bastos strives to embody the lively cultural arts and music from Brazil such as samba, capoeira, and Brazilian jiu-jitsu in his daily life. André is currently a Undergraduate student at UC Berkeley with the class of 2007, pursuing a Bachelor of Arts in Cognitive Science, which means doing a lot of thinking about thinking. He is very physically active as a student-athlete in crew (rowing) at Berkeley, earning a gold medal in the 2004 national championships, while balancing coursework from one of the most competitive universities in the country. Above all, he seeks to integrate knowledge from all the domains of human expression - body, heart, mind, and spirit - in a slightly crazy world that sometimes loses touch with the beauty that surrounds us all.
John Isaacson
John has been writing and drawing comics for the last four years but drew his first 17 comics in the fourth grade. He has self-published the mini comics Air Guitar, Shapeshiter, and Do-It-Yourself Silkscreening which is currently distributed by Last Gasp and Microcosm Publishing. He founded a small T-shirt design business and prints and sells T-shirts at www.unlay.com. He also teaches after-school cartooning classes for K-12 students in the Bay Area.
Haven's advisors
Ralph Abraham, Professor of Mathematics
Ralph Abraham is a mathematician and chaos theorist (since 1958). He has been a professor of mathematics at UC Berkeley, Columbia, Princeton, and UC Santa Cruz, visiting Holland, Italy, France, Spain, and Japan. Ralph is founding director of the Visual Math Institute in Santa Cruz, California. He is author of several visionary math texts, , including Foundations of Mechanics with Jerrold Marsden and Dynamics, the Geometry of Behavior with Christopher Shaw and is author of several philosophical books including Chaos, Gaia, Eros and Chaos, Cosmos, and Creativity with Rupert Sheldrake and Terence McKenna. He designed the curriculum for the Ross School, grades 5-12, with cultural historian William Irwin Thompson. Ralph lectures and leads seminars worldwide on chaos theory.
Annemarie Roeper
Annemarie Roeper, Ed.D. is an educational consultant with more than 50 years experience, specializing in the educational needs of gifted and creative children. In 1941, Annemarie and her husband, George Roeper, founded the Roeper School in Bloomfield Hills, Michigan, one of the nation's oldest and best known private schools for gifted children. Dr. Roeper holds an Honorary Doctorate in Education from Eastern Michigan University. She is an editor of the Roeper Review, a national journal on gifted child education and is the author of the books, Educating Children for Life: The Modern Learning Community (1990), and My Life Experiences with Children: Selected Writings and Speeches, (reprinted 2004). She has also published hundreds of articles on giftedness and has received numerous awards and honors for her work including the 1999 National Association for Gifted Children President's Award, an honor rarely bestowed.