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  Our Approach

Conversation is at the heart of being human

Consider the role conversations play in your life. Recall a few conversations that led to life-changing decisions. Think about conversations you had last week in the context of your work. Bring to mind conversations you've had recently with family and friends. What books, papers, magazines, blogs do you read? What are the conversations you're engaged in with their authors? When was the last time you traveled somewhere you'd never been before? Imagine your experiences there as one extended conversation with the new terrain and its inhabitants.


"We learn by conversing with ourselves, with others and with the world around us."

Laurie Thomas & Sheila Harrie-Augstein,
Learning Conversations


Conversation is at the heart of being human. You converse with your world and you converse with yourself. You learn through your conversations. By conversing about your learning, you can learn how to learn. When you place your attention on learning about how you learn, you can expand your capacities. Expanding your capacities gives you opportunities you didn't have before. When you expand your capacities, you can begin to realize your ideals like infinite human potential, peak performance, and radiant well-being.

Conversation and leadership

"Leadership is not wisdom, personal charisma, or will-to-power. It is a condition that arises when clarity of purpose exists...multiple venues for feedback into the system are a necessary condition for its growth."

Michael Geoghegan, organizational consultant

How does clarity of purpose arise? Clarity of purpose emerges from focused, reflective conversation that challenges obsolescent thinking and generates new language to articulate the unfamiliar. By asking powerful questions, learning conversations help you clarify your purposes, refine your goals, invite feedback, and experience wildly successful outcomes.

Leaders initiate bold new conversations--conversations that have the power to catalyze revolutions, transform lives, and generate innovations. Learning conversations are a practice space to nurture the natural leadership qualities within you.


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